Uzair Khan: I wish to have a Bicycle

Uzair Khan: I wish to have a Bicycle

16 years, Thalassemia Major

Riding a bicycle is the dream of every child but the 16-year-old Uzair Khan had never ridden a bicycle his entire life due to severe sickness. The genies at Make-A-Wish visited him and asked him for his wish, something he wanted to fulfil all his life. Uzair was very delighted and joyful and he was even more beaming when he came to know that his wish would be fulfilled. The Foundation provided a new sports bike to Uzair and then a few members taught Uzair how to ride it with extreme care. After a week of practice and then  Uzair could effortlessly ride the bicycle without anyone’s help soaring through the wind.
He was extremely happy as his lifelong dream was fulfilled. Uzair told MAW that he couldn’t thank them enough.


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